Guinea pigs are very social and chatty pets, and are best kept in neutered same-sex groups. Their average life span is 5-6 years and typically grow to weigh 900-1500g (males growing larger than females).

Guinea pigs’ teeth never stop growing, similar to rabbits, so they need lots of fibrous food to keep their teeth worn down and help keep their digestive system functioning well. They cannot make or store vitamin C so need it supplemented through their diet. Their diet should be made up of a complete pelleted food, with additional fruit and vegetables, alongside ad lib hay. It is very important that guinea pigs are allowed to forage at all times to avoid gut stasis, which can prove life threatening.

Guinea pigs are very energetic pets, spending up to 20 hours a day being active, so it’s important we give them lots of space to roam. An ideal way to achieve this is to have an outdoor run space that is secure as well as a ventilated, covered hutch section to allow them to nest in hay/straw to sleep. Additional toys and tunnels added to the pigs environment is a great way to provide enrichment and encourage mental stimulation. This will also provide different textured surfaces to help keep their nails worn down as, like their teeth, will also continuously grow.

Regular handling of guinea pigs is also essential to form a bond with your piggy, provide great mental stimulation for them, and also make vet health checks easier and less stressful!