Weight Management….why is it so important?

Weight Management….why is it so important?

If your pet is overweight, it can have huge consequences on their health. Obesity is a debilitating disease which can have a major impact on your pet’s health, both now and in the future, and ultimately on the length of their life. A study, performed by Waltham Pet...
Cat Friendly Clinic

Cat Friendly Clinic

We recognise that there can be difficulties in bringing your cat into the practice. They often don’t travel well, don’t enjoy being in a cat carrier, feel unsafe in unfamiliar environments, and often become stressed during their visits. Did you know that we are...
Tips for a happy Christmas with your pets

Tips for a happy Christmas with your pets

We all want to enjoy the Christmas season, but it can be a stressful and risky time for our pets. Some forward planning can really help them enjoy their Christmas too and reduce the chances of an emergency Christmas visit to the vets!  Keeping calm   Christmas...
Autumn Advice

Autumn Advice

Fireworks A lot of pet owners dread the impending fireworks season. As the nights draw in, there is that unmistakeable ‘bang’ out of nowhere that can turn even the most stoic dogs into a quivering wreck. Noise ‘phobias’ are, unfortunately, very common in our pets....
Is your pet ownership MOT up to scratch?

Is your pet ownership MOT up to scratch?

Vaccines Due to the success of vaccines, the incidence of many serious viral diseases in the UK pet population has dramatically reduced over the past 20 years. These diseases include canine distemper, infectious hepatitis, canine parvo virus and feline panleukopaenia....