A lot of pet owners dread the impending fireworks season. As the nights draw in, there is that unmistakeable ‘bang’ out of nowhere that can turn even the most stoic dogs into a quivering wreck. Noise ‘phobias’ are, unfortunately, very common in our pets. These can range from mild behaviour changes to extreme reactions and unwanted behaviours causing distress for you, and your pet. Signs that you can look out for in your dogs can be seen in this article from Dogs Trust.
Cats can also become stressed with fireworks season. Even if they are tolerant of the noise, changes in their environment and routine can cause further stress. Many cats with outdoor access will be kept indoors for longer or earlier on an evening. That can cause additional stress which can manifest itself in many ways.

Preparing for fireworks:

It is essential that de-sensitisation is started prior to firework season beginning. You can help your dog to become more accustomed to loud noises by gradually introducing them to loud sounds. Please note this may not be beneficial if your pet is severely noise phobic. In this situation, it would be advisable to seek advice from an experienced animal behaviourist or vet.
Please see the below links from Dogs Trust, Kennel Club, PDSA and Battersea for their sound therapy playlist and advice:
• Be organised and find out when local firework displays are taking place (social media groups may be able to provide information if people are planning fireworks displays in their garden)
• Provide a safe space/den (this could be a crate, or a small space dedicated solely to your pet, ideally set up a few weeks in advance)
• Walk your pet before it is dark
• Stay in with your pet and allow them space to settle where they feel the safest (remember to stay calm and relaxed yourself since your pet will often pick up on your anxiety)
• Experiment with different enrichment strategies to provide a distraction
• Provide pheromone support (there are dog appeasing pheromone products, and similar products for cats, that can have a calming effect)
• Ensure your pets are microchipped and the details are kept up to date
• Close curtains to block out flashes and ensure windows are shut and the house is secure
• Have the radio on for them (classical music has been shown to be calming for pets)
• Ensure your cats are kept inside

Small furries: what can you do to minimise stress?

• Plan ahead to ensure their needs have been considered
• Cover runs and cages with a blanket to muffle loud sounds
• Provide extra bedding to allow them to bury into and hide in
• Bring inside if possible
• Put familiar sounds on e.g. tv or radio

What we can do for your pet

• We will need to see your pet to be able to discuss and dispense any prescription medication
• Thunder shirt fitting for dogs
• Discuss pheromone devices and options for both cats and dogs
• Rule out any other reasons your pet is fearful (e.g. pain, illness)
• Discuss individual coping strategies
If you need us, please don’t hesitate to call the practice on 01423 900449 or email us at info@boroughbridgevets.com